la plume
rythmique suspens du sinistre
aux écumes originelles
naguères d’où sursauta son délire jusqu’à une cime
par la neutralité identique du gouffre . . .
–from Un Coup de Dés N’abolira Jamais le Hasard
by Stéphane Mallarmé
The master of a storm‑tossed ship may throw the dice, but can in no way alter the course of fortune. His ship will sink or remain afloat as destiny determines . . . and yet, in the words of Mallarmé, “something momentous far beyond the saving of the ship may result.” Mallarmé’s enigmatic poem gains much of its power from its appearance: the seemingly arbitrary but actually purposeful way in which he has arranged the poem to appear on the page.
The book is presented in the original French. Ellsworth Kelly has created eleven lithographs to accompany the text. While Kelly’s flat, monochromatic panels appear to be purely abstract, each draws on specific details observed by the artist, and each challenges the viewer’s perception and perceptiveness. A separate booklet translating the work into English is included.
- One Volume, 12¾ x 17¼ inches
- Eleven lithographs by Ellsworth Kelly
- Edition limited to three hundred numbered copies
- Newsletter
- Each book signed by Ellsworth Kelly
- English translation is included in separate booklet
The typeface-a Monotype version of Bodoni-has been set by hand with the special care needed to observe Mallarmé’s precise placement of every word. The book is covered in full black Nigerian oasis goatskin, stamped in 22‑karat gold leaf. The hinged and lined box is covered with heavy black linen. 1992. SOLD OUT
The Print Portfolio is sold out – Click Here

Ellsworth Kelly Lithograph

Title Page

Ellsworth Kelly Lithograph

Page 1

Page 2

Ellsworth Kelly Lithograph

Colophon Page


English Translation Booklet

Book and Case