Poems of Léopold Sédar Senghor ~ Léopold Sédar Senghor ~ Silkscreen prints by Lois Mailou Jones

New York! Je dis New York, laisse affluer le sang noir dans ton sang
Qu’il dérouille tes articulations d’acier, comme une huile de vie
Qu’il donne à tes ponts la courbes des croupes et la soupless des lianes . . . 

New York! I say to New York, let the black blood flow into your blood
Cleaning the rust from your steel articulations, like an oil of life.
Giving your bridges the curve of the hills, the liana’s suppleness . . .  

–from New York by Léopold Sédar Senghor


Born in French West Africa, Leopold Senghor became the first Black member ever inducted into the French Academy. In 1960, he was unanimously elected the first president of Senegal and then re‑elected four times. As a poet, he represented the literary and artistic expression of the black African experience. Four of Senghor’s poems appear in this edition, in the original French and in English translation.

The lush, exotic diction of Senghor’s poetry finds its ideal complement in the vibrant paintings of Lois Mailou Jones, one of America’s most celebrated Black artists.  M. Senghor and Ms. Jones were personally acquainted and mutual admirers of one another’s art.


  • One Volume, 17-1/4 x 22-1/4 inches
  • Five silkscreen prints by Lois Mailou Jones
  • Edition limited to three hundred numbered copies
  • Newsletter
  • Each signed by Leopold Sedar Senghor and Lois Mailou Jones


The paintings of Lois Mailou Jones have been beautifully turned into multi- colored, silk‑screen prints and the text was hand‑set in English Monotype Bodoni. The book is bound in purple linen and set into hinged and lined box covered in black linen.  1996. $ 2,300

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